Dear traveler,

Join us on an amazing excursion to Tanzania, to learn about the country's culture and our programmes there.

We have summarised everything you need to know before the virtual departure here:

  • You get the best travel experience on a laptop or computer (preferably with a large screen and good sound) - tablets and smartphones are not so good for a virtual trip.
  • How long you want to stay in Tanzania, what you visit and what information you want to receive is entirely up to you. We recommend that you bring a little time (approx. 30 minutes) to really immerse yourself in the trip and the experiences on site.

The plane is now ready to board.

All you have to do to start flying is to press the orange button. During the subsequent passenger check you will be asked to enter a user name and password. For this you need the following access data :

  • Username : Right-To-Play
  • Password : Tanzania

Enjoy your trip!

Safe travels - we hope you have an incredible time.

Right To Play UK